Thursday 8 April 2010

Animated Corduroy

I wonder how many folk have seen the animated sequence on our website, promoting the two books from the author Alexander McCall Smith? The first was 'Corduroy Mansions', and the second, due to launch shortly, is 'The Dog Who Came In From The Cold' which follows on. Click the Flying Battery on the right to view!

After the huge success of the 44 Scotland Street series, Alexander McCall Smith ‘moved house’ to a crumbling four-storey mansion in Pimlico – Corduroy Mansions. It is inhabited by a glorious assortment of characters: among them, Oedipus Snark, the first ever nasty Lib Dem MP, who is so detestable his own mother, Berthea, is writing an unauthorised biography about him; and one small vegetarian dog, Freddie de la Hay, who has the ability to fasten his own seatbelt. (Although Corduroy Mansions is a fictional name, the address is now registered by the Post Office.)

We would love to have some feedback from you about the animation and hear what you think of the site overall -

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